Avoiding wrapping your belly during pregnancy
Click here to read the article. Avoiding wrapping your belly during pregnancy
Off centred carry with a Ring Sling
How to do an off centre carry with a ring sling safely. This is suitable for younger babies if the usual upright carry is hard to achieve; baby rests in the recovery position high up on your chest with the fabric supporting them in this safe position, with airway clear and back supported. Please remember the TICKS and ABC of safe sling use
FWCC with small baby, legs out and twist under bum.
FWCC with small baby, legs out and twist under bum. Sz 6 Bebe Sachi cotton woven wrap
Alternative (FWCC style) front carry with Connecta
Alternative (FWCC style) front carry with Connecta. Please note this carry is not endorsed by Connecta and does not appear in their instruction books.