Sling Retailers, Manufacturers, Dyers and Converters, Accessories
The first tab features companies who have been kind to Slingababy and have supported us over the years. We like to call them friends of Slingababy.
If you are not on the list and wish to be added, if you wish to become a friend of Slingababy, if you would like us to remove you from the list or alter your details, feel free to get in touch.
- Friends of Slingababy
- UK Retailers
- Europe Retailers
- World Retailers
- Buckle Carriers Manufacturers
- Carrying Aids Manufacturers
- Meh Dai and Half-Buckles Manufacturers
- Onbuhimos Manufacturers
- Podeagis Manufacturers
- Pouches Manufacturers
- Ring Slings Manufacturers
- Stretchy Wraps Manufacturers
- Woven Wraps Manufacturers
- Wrap Dyers
- Wrap Converters in the UK
- Wrap Converters in Europe
- Wrap Converters in the rest of the World
- Accessories in the UK
- Accessories in Europe
- Accessories in the rest of the World
- Section
Ali Dover, Woven wraps
Baie, Woven Wraps
Connecta, Buckle carrier
Close Parent, Stretchy hybrid
Didymos, Woven wraps, Stretchy wraps, Ring sling, Meh Dai
Ergobaby, Buckle carrier
Firespiral, Woven Wraps
Integra, Buckle Carrier
It’s a Sling Thing, Retailer in the UK
Izmi, Carriers (part of the Cheeky Rascals Family)
Je Porte Mon Bebe, Stretchy wraps, Ring sling, Buckle carrier
Joy and Joe Baby, Woven wraps, Ring sling
Lenny Lamb, Woven wraps, Ring sling
Lifft Slings, Stretchy wraps and accessories
Ling Ling D’Amour, woven wraps, Ring sling, Meh Dai
Liora Rae, woven wraps
Little Frog, Woven Wraps, Ring Sling, Fleece Cover
Love To Be Natural, UK retailer
Luna Dream, woven wraps, baby carriers
Napsack Baby, Meh Dai
Rose and Rebellion, Buckle carrier
ShowMe Slings, UK retailer
Sleepy Nico, Buckle carrier
Slumber Roo, UK retailer
Vatanai, Woven wrap
Vija Designs, Skin to skin tops
We Made Me, Buckle carrier, Stretchy wrap
Woven Wings, Woven wraps
Wrapamore, UK retailer
Baba Me
Baby Armadillo
Carry My Baby
Closer To You
It’s a Sling Thing
Koala Slings
Little Possums
Love To Be Natural
Maverick Baby
Natural Connection
Natural Mothering
Natural Nursery
Naturally Happy Slings
Organic Bliss
Petit Poppet
SaSa Slings
Show Me Slings
Sling Heaven
Sling Spot
Slings and Things
Slumber Roo
Mama-I, in Belgium
Wearababy, in Finland
Aux Mille Un Porte-Bebes, in France
Chouchous, in France
La Maison Du Porte-Bebe, in France
Le Monde Du Portage, in France
Louli Des Bois, in France
Sur Mon Ventre, in France
Kumja, in Germany
Babybio, in Holland
Slingomama, in Holland
Slings & Things, in Holland
Kangura, in Spain
Miscanguritos, in Spain
Carry My Baby, in Australia
Pixie Mama, in Australia
Woven Wraps Australia, in Australia
Wrap Em, in Australia
Minsababy, in Israel
Au Porte-Bonheur, in Switzerland
Granola Babies, in the USA
Heavenly Hold, in the USA
PAXbaby, in the USA
Pinkletink, in the USA
Wrap Your Baby, in the USA
Wrapped Baby, in the USA
Action Baby Carrier, in the UK
Amazonas, in Germany
Connecta, in the UK
Babyhawk, in the USA
Beco, in the USA
Boba, in the USA
Emeibaby, in Czech Republic
Ergobaby, in the USA
Je Porte Mon Bébé, in France
Kinderpack, in the USA
Kokadi, in Germany
Manduca, in Germany
Moby, in the USA
Nova Baby Carriers, in the UK
Patapum, in Italy
Rose And Rebellion, in the UK
Sleepy Nico, in the UK
Tula, in Poland
We Made Me, in the UK
Suppori, in Japan
Tonga, in France
Vija Designs, skin to skin tops, in Canada
Amazonas, in Germany
Babyhawk, in the USA
Babylonia, in Belgium
Bamberoo, in the USA
Didymos, in Germany
Diva Milano, in Italy
Girasol, in Germany
Hoppediz, in Germany
Kokadi, in Germany
Kubeba, in France
Lenny Lamb, in Poland
Ling Ling D’Amour, in France
Monkey Mei Tai, in the UK
Napsack Baby, in the UK
Natibaby, in Poland
Neobulle, in France
Nova Baby Carriers, in the UK
Pouchlings, in the UK
Storchenweige, in Germany
Wermli, in Switzerland
Nova Baby Carriers, in the UK
Psicolor, in Portugal.
Amazonas, in Germany
Babylonia, in Belgium
Calin Bleu, in the UK
Colimacon Et Cie, in France
Didymos, in Germany
Diva Milano, in Italy
Girasol, in Germany
Heartiness, in Belarus
Hoppediz, in Germany
Je Porte Mon Bébé, in France
Joy and Joe baby, in the UK
Kokadi, in Germany
Kubeba, in France
Lenny Lamb, in Poland
Ling Ling D’Amour, in France
Little Frog, in Poland
Natibaby, in Poland
Neobulle, in France
Oscha, in the UK
Pouchlings, in the UK
Psicolor, in Portugal
Storchenweige, in Germany
Wermli, in Switzerland
Amazonas, in Germany
Babylonia, in Belgium
Boba, in the USA
Calin Bleu, in the UK
Close Caboo, in the UK
Didymos, in Germany
Hoppediz, in Germany
Je Porte Mon Bebe, in France
Joy and Joe baby, in the UK
Kali Sling, in the UK
Lenny Lamb, in Poland
Moby, in the USA
Sa-Be Baby Wear, in the UK
Snugiwraps, in the UK
Victoria The Slinglady, in the UK
We Made Me, in the UK
Ali Dover, in the UK
Amama , in Russia
Amazonas, in Germany
Ankalia, in Australia
Aprosas, in Germany
Artipoppe, in the Netherlands
AyaSlings, in the Netherlands
BaBy SaBye, in Thailand
Baby-Doo, in the USA
Babylonia, in Belgium
BabyMonkey, in Italy
Baie Slings, in the UK
Bara Barn, in Sweden
Bebe Sachi, in Malaysia
Beutlinge, in Germany
Bijou Wear, in the USA
BloomyLoom, in Hungary
Buzzidil, in Germany
Calin Bleu, in the UK
Cari Slings, in the USA
Cassiope Woven, in the USA
Château Coco, in France
Chimparoo, in Canada
Colimacon Et Cie, in France
Cote Coeur, in France
Cotton Cloud, in Russia
Daiesu, in Malaysia
Danu Slings, in Ireland
Didymos, in Germany
Diva Milano, in Italy
Doeck, in the Netherlands
Ehawee Slings
Ellevill, in Norway
Ethnic Seasons
Firespiral, in the UK
Fireweed Baby
Fräulein Hübsch
Girasol, in Germany
Heartiness, in Belarus
Hoppediz, in Germany
Joy and Joe baby, in the UK
JumpSac Baby
KHR Wraps
Kindred Wrap
Kokadi, in Germany
Kubeba, in France
Lalu Wovens
La maison des fibres
La poche a Kangourou
Lenny Lamb, in Poland
Lily Sling
Ling Ling D’Amour, in France
Linuschka, in Russia
Liora Rae Wovens, in UK
Lir Slings
Little Fellows
Little Poppy
Little Frog, in Poland
Luna Dreams
Madonna Litta
Maya Wrap
Mo Dream
Mum’s Era
Natibaby, in Poland
Neobulle, in France
Nona Woven Wraps
Omega Organics
Oscha, in the UK
Ovolo Wraps
Pavo Textiles
Pellicano Baby
Poe Wovens
Pouchlings, in the UK
Psicolor, in Portugal
Pure Baby Love
Risaroo Wovens
Serena Slings
Shire Slings
Sling Studio
Storchenweige, in Germany
Tinge Garden
Tiny Tiger Baby
Uppymama, in Canada
Vandeloo Woven
Vaquero Wovens
Vatanai, in Czeck Republic
Warped & Wonderful
Wauggl Bauggl
Wermli, in Switzerland
Woven Wings, in the UK
Wrapahula Wovens
Wrapture Australia
Yaro Slings
Zee Zen
Color Dip Studio, in the USA
Turquoise.Fields, in the UK
Violet Chameleon, in the UK
Wearababy, in Finland
Pinkini Creation, in France
Ptitsymoloko, in France
Tout Contre Moi, in France
Babyzouks, in Germany
Go’Klompen, in Norway
Madame Googoo, in Poland
Melkaj, in Poland
Babies In Space, in Australia
Natural Mother Productions, in Canada
Tragebaby (Lue Mai, Mila Mai), in Switzerland
Bloo Kangaroo, in the USA
Obimama, in the USA
Olives And Applesauce, in the USA
Sleeping Baby Productions, in the USA
Wrap Star Baby Carriers, in the USA
Booby & The Beads, nursing Necklace, Dummy/Toy Clips…
Carralily, mirrors, bags
Chunkle-Munkle, babywearing bags
Crafty Little Things, toy slings
Eye Spy Baby, mirrors
Gumigem, teething necklaces
Laik & Love, babywearing dolls
Little Popsie Crochet, shoes, leg warmers…
Monkey Mama Necklace, necklaces
Onbag, babywearing bags
Purplebee, keyrings
Sookypads & Things, sookypads, toy slings
Toobs ‘N’ Purds, leg warmers, toy slings…
Up & Away Carriers, boots
Sling Shoe, babywearing boots, in Ireland
Pinkini Creation, babywearing coats, in France
Zoli, babywearing coats, in France
Slingrings, Rings, in the USA