Spotlight on a Slingababy Consultant: Ana Vuletic

Can you give us a quick introduction as to who you are?
Hi, I am Ana. I have been babywearing for around 6 years now and I have an almost 6 year old girl Lena, and a 2.5 year old Tara. I am originally from Serbia, but currently settled in Finland. I started a charity Library called Lena’s traveling carriers 3 years ago with the idea to help all parents safely babywear and to create a place without mum shaming and full support. We rent everything for free and also provide mums support trough each stage of motherhood and beyond. Recently we extended our support by partnering with IT Academy to give parents the opportunity to learn new skills and help their career.

Can you tell us more about your journey from carrying to becoming a consultant to now?
As mentioned, not only did I wear both of my kids, I also created a group which covers 3 countries and has an army of babywearing consultants to support parents. My group has this strict rule of not allowing mum shaming in any way. In many other groups I was constantly seeing some advice which were pointing out big NOs and shamed parents for their decisions and I wanted to have official training because everything in my gut was saying that it can’t be one rule for all situations.

What is your favourite part about being a consultant?
Supporting parents and encouraging them to make decisions, providing them with all the love and watch them grow in confidence.

Would you share a special memory that sticks out for you?
There are many, but the ones that stick out the most are those that facilitated life changing moments. Once there was a little, amazing boy with spina bifida, full of life and eager for adventures and amazing parents who were always trying to find new ways to allow him to explore. I managed to find a specially designed carrier and with a help from the group Lena’s traveling carriers we gathered enough money to buy it send it as a new year gift. They were able to go off roads and seek new adventures and I am proud of all parents working together in this.

What tip would you give yourself if you could get back to the time before you were a parent?
The one tip I will give myself is to have all the patience in the world for my mum and be kinder to her, and also to be kinder to myself.

Why did you choose to train with Slingababy?
I wanted to introduce a new school in our countries and I read all great experiences and reviews and somehow I felt it aligned with my approach and I was right.

Do you want to say a few words about your Slingababy experience?
It was amazing experience. Lorette is a wonderful teacher, who knows really well to trigger all the right spots and inspire you to dig deeper and find your way. I think I gained a lot and above all I felt good and ready after finishing.

Anything else you would like to say about anything?
Be kind to each other, always.

How can people get hold of you?
Trough FB Page: Lena’s traveling carriers
IG: @lenastravelingcarriers

Ana Vuletic with her two daughters in summer in Finland in front of the forest. Her 2 year old is in her favourite ring sling which has bugs on it.