Tracy at The Lady With The Slings in Stroud, Gloucestershire

About Tracy at The Lady With The Slings in Stroud, Gloucestershire


Consultant, Peer Supporter

I’m Tracey. And I have one little boy, Dylan, who is the reason that I started my babywearing and educating journey. Having a baby at the end of lockdown meant I didn’t even know sling libraries were a thing because they just weren’t running whilst I was pregnant. Then getting to my nearest one with my newborn was impossible as I couldn’t drive.
I wanted to be able to help the people in my area as the last consultant had left in 2019.


I actually grew up in Hertfordshire on the family farm. Before baby, I was a carer and studying to be an occupational therapist (I do neither currently!)
In any spare time I have, I enjoy baking and going to aerial yoga (the world always seems just a little bit better viewed upside-down!)